
Did you watch Glee last week? If you're anything like me then you had a can of Diet Coke and a snack ready at 7:58 just in case it started early. Everything was going great until the scene in the locker room with Sam and Joe, the Christian of the group. I was so excited when he joined the cast because I thought it would be a great addition to their pretty liberal worldview.
So when Joe came to Sam for advice about Quinn, I was really upset/angry with the way things went. I know that Ryan Murphy isn't a believer, but I was stunned that Joe, a Christian in real life, agreed with the script. Sam pointed to Joe's tattoos and said that the bible is outdated and irrelevant because it also says we shouldn't get tattoos (Lev 19:28).

There conversation went a little like this:
Sam: When the Bible was written, things were easier. There's no internet, chicks didn't wear short skirts or anything., I'm a good Christian, but there's just no way a dude's gonna resist. I say hey, let's be a new kind of Christian one that prays and does right by people but understands that some of those rules are kind of old school
Joe: it's about putting the spiritual over the physical so you can feel closer to God
Sam: you're gonna have to decide if you want to get closer to God or closer to Quinn

1. Using Levitical Law to promote doubt about the relevancy of Scripture
Levitical Law (Old Testament rules) is divided into 3 categorizes: Civic, Ceremonial, and Moral. Ceremonial and Civic laws were fulfilled by Christ and abolished. Things like tattoos, beards, fibers, animal sacrifices, etc. are all part of these and no longer stand. So rock on your Christian tattoos! However, moral law still stands. Moral law continues to have three uses in the New Covenant: to restrain sin in God's common grace (the "civil" use), to act as a schoolmaster to lead us to Christ (the "pedagogical" use), and to instruct Christians in godliness (the "normative" use).
Sexual purity still applies today and we have no excuse for any action that is impure. I will not delve into what is impure because that I will save for another post. Go read Ephesians for more clarity.

2. Fleeing temptation
Sorry to break it to you Sam, but temptation isn't something new. Look at David- he lusted after Bathsheba after seeing her naked and then he slept with her and had her husband killed...all because he was tempted. Yes, the availability of sex and porn is higher now due to technology and modern fashion, but God will never give you something you can't handle. Flee from Satan and he will flee from you.

3. Doing good by people?
Well that's just bad theology Sam. Yes, we are called to serve others and love them well, but without speaking Truth to them then your "doing good" is useless. What good is it to feed the hungry without telling them about the Bread of Life who gives them eternal life?

4. Why wait?
I don't agree with Joe that fleeing from temptation is about being closer to God, but it is for His glory. Sex was designed for marriage: a committed, monogamous relationship between a man and woman. Sex intertwines two souls and it is a beautiful way for a husband and wife to worship God (go read Song of Solomon if you don't believe me). It is not a casual activity, though some have turned it into a sport. It's involved and emotions can get messy, not to mention STDs and unplanned pregnancies.
The Hebrew word for sex is yada, which literally means to know someone personally. You disclosing yourself to another by becoming vulnerable and open to them in a very persoable way. It is a way for a married couple to recommit themselves to one another. Sex was never intended to be casual and doing it outside of the context of marriage can have very serious consequences. The temporary pleasure is followed by a lifetime of hurt, pain, and regret. 

These verses talk about sexual purity: 1 Corinthians 6:9, 2 Corinthians 12:21, Galatians 5:19, Hebrews 13:4 and Deuteronomy 22:13-28

I'm glad that Glee has a Christian character and is touching on this subject, but they are causing more damage by leading people to believe that sex before marriage is okay. I hate to think about the young people, especially Christians, who might be taking Sam's advice to heart. I really hope that Joe decides to remain celibate and not have sex with Quinn, but we will just have to wait and see!


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