My Story- Part 2

sorry it has taken me so long, but this is part 2 of my story on how i got involved with urban ministry.

sometime my junior year, my friend madeline called me up and asked if i wanted to tutor with her at a YMCA after school program. I had been really missing my time downtown because i was no longer working with Young Life at that point. I agreed to go with her to the info session and find out more. the program was called "community HOPE" and was actually founded by the fathers of one of the girls i did YL with in raleigh. i signed up to be a tutor for one hour every week. 

every thursday, madeline, me, and our friend allison went downtown to an old church and tutored kids for an hour. my student's name was kei'shaira- affectionately referred to as "kiki". this is her one day at recess when i went to eat lunch with her:

   isn't she beautiful? well needless to say, i fell in love with her. when i first started coming, she was rather shy and didn't know if she could trust me. she was reading at a preschool level and in second grade. 

we met every week that year and developed a great relationship. one day she asked for my phone number and called me 14 times that night. i thought something was wrong when i finally called her back, but she just wanted to say hi (isn't that sweet?)

she always came to mentoring on time and excited to learn. that year, she went from failing her classes to making top marks in all her subjects. i felt like a proud parent when i read her report card. i know that she worked really hard to achieve this, but i know that my small amount of time each week really changed her life. she loved to hang out with me and i would often take her out to dinner after mentoring. she had me wrapped around her finger!

after i graduated and moved away, i was sooo sad to leave her. but she part of the reason why i want to work with "Here's Life Inner City" in chicago. i want to meet kids like her, who are failing and have no one pouring into them and challenging them to do better. i don't have much money or resources, but i have time and i have love- 2 key ingredients in urban ministry. they don't care what kind of car i drive, how i look, or how much money i have. kids like kei'shaira just want to be loved and get attention (this usually turns into negative behavior). i am passionate about the youth of america succeeding and school and lowering the drop out rate. there is such great potential for these kids and who knows- they could be the ones to make break through discoveries that will change our world.

i would encourage you all to look into a mentoring program in your city. i know the YMCA has several of them, but there is also the Boys and Girls Club of America, the Salvation Army, and a host of other organization. i met a lot of great people, some students and some professionals, who gave up an hour a week to pour into these kids. i promise that you will be changed for the better.

i am now beginning week 3 of support raising. i am at about 5% and somewhat discouraged. i am praying for God to work in the hearts of people i'm asking and also that i would have the boldness to ask for referrals from people. this is a very humbling experience and i've grown so much in the last 2 weeks. i am truly blessed!

please email me ( or call me (919-308-9771) if you have any prayer requests. i go to the Lord daily and would love to pray for you. 

again, if you would like to give to my ministry, please log onto:

yours in Christ,

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