ministry of mercy

i just got the free audiobook of tim keller's "ministry of mercy" (from although the statistics are 10 years old, the basic principles are the same. he talks about how christians are to help all those in need around us..regardless of race, age, wealth, gender. MERCY IS NOT OPTIONAL!
this book is getting me excited to live out the Gospel on the streets of Chicago in a few weeks. I'm becoming even more broken for specifically the homeless. the idea of homelessness is very far from me even though i pass by them everyday on the side of the highway.

Two trends are largely responsible for the rise in homelessness over the past 20-25 years: 
1. a growing shortage of affordable rental housing and 
2. a simultaneous increase in poverty

a Washingon Post article talks about the myths of homelessness:
1. Homelessness is usually a long-term condition.
2. Most of the homeless have a severe mental illness.
3. Homeless people don't work.
4. Shelters are a humane solution to homelessness.
5. These poor you will always have with you.

what do you think?
what are some common misconceptions about the homeless you have?

my misconceptions: they are usually drunken, lazy, old men who would rather beg then get a job. 
in reality most homeless are white, are families with young children, who ARE working, but can't afford housing. 

contact your local homeless shelter and see how you can help. they might need office help, kitchen help, or even planting flowers. donate your old clothes, kids toys, backpacks, whatever! 

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"
-Matthew 25:40


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