where has the time gone?

okay this post is 2 weeks in the making. first off, here is my february newsletters (click to zoom): 

at our christmas dinner for S.A.Y. Yes! in december several of our parents indicated they would like to be followed up about spiritual things. i was given 2 mom's to follow up with whose kids are in my class. i finally met this morning with one of them. i was able to share the Gospel with her and although she indicated she crossed the line of faith 1.5 years ago, she still learned a lot from the booklet we went through (Knowing God Personally from CCC). linda and i had a great conversation with her and she is really excited about God and going to church. although i am always skeptical (3 kids and no husband), I think she is on the right path. linda and i are going to try and put together a small bible study for 3 of the women we have met with who have indicated they want to study more. i am so glad i was persistent on calling her; a lot of other people just gave up on their contacts. i am hoping to use crusade's follow up bible studies that go over the basic truths of Christianity (assurance of faith, prayer, etc.).
one lady's husband also indicated he was searching for spiritual things and was reading about kabbalah now. linda gave him lee strobel's "the case for Christ" so hopefully that gives him the answers he is looking for (because Jesus is the only satisfaction for our soul). they recently had 4 separate family deaths and it is taking a hard toll on them. this has really gotten them thinking about eternal things, which is a great door for us to use. i am excited to see where it goes and hopefully there will be a good time for all 5 of us to meet with out any of their toddlers to distract us.

in my small group, we are doing a study called "becoming a woman of simplicity". it is a great book because it talks about our need for finding rest in Christ. some of you know that i have a tattoo on my wrist that says "be still" in hebrew from psalm 46:10. i got this tattoo as a reminder to be to rest in the Lord and fully surrender to Him; also, it is a reminder about his healing of my anxiety disorder. i have really enjoyed my time at small group and getting to know the ladies in it. i have formed some great friendships here in Chicago, which is a huge praise since I came here knowing no one. this place is starting to feel like home for me, which is scary because i don't want to forsake my first love- the south :)
as i look to my future, i have several options:
1. stay with HLIC
2. intern with chicago campus crusade staff (with college kids)
3. STINT overseas somewhere for a year
4. get a zoo job
and 5.. my personal favorite...get married

so you can be praying for me as i wrestle with those options. missy gave me a book to read called "just do something" --- it's about loving God, walking in His way, and doing whatever you want with your life. there is no golden path of God's will that you might miss if you choose the wrong career. if you love God and are seeking Him then you have every freedom to be whatever you want to be- for me it might be a zookeeper. but maybe not. and that's okay! for you it might be full time ministry or a doctor. just be the best doctor you can be and honor God in all you do. how freeing is that?!?!
since i know that i have the freedom to pick any of the above 5 (minus the last one because i don't have any options...yet), i want to choose one that i really like. some days i really love being at the shedd aquarium and some days i just really love having a job that means i get to share the Gospel all the time. i am confident that the Lord will provide the wisdom i need to make that choice when the time comes. until then, i want to give 100% to my job here at HLIC.

on sunday, our first batch of college kids will come for "urban immersion"- they spend their spring break with us in the city going to different ministry sites each day and learning about what God is doing in the city. they also do some campus evangelism and get to see that side, too. i am soooo stoked to have college kids here and actually go out and do things with them. i am also excited to see some fellow wolfpackers! (i hope they bring me bojangles). however, that being said, i am reminded of how much work i have to do before they get here. so i am ending this blog ramble and going to bed, so i can get up early and get to kinkos!


  1. next time u r in town we MUST get together and catch up. love you heather!! so proud of you, wow!
    also love your banner! mine is a little piece of bird poop compared to yours!

  2. and i choose #4 and #5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):)

  3. linds- i will be home april 15-18 for a wedding if you want to get together on either that friday or monday! i think #4 and #5 are pretty great ideas, let me know if you know any single men who can help fulfill the last one haha! :)


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