we're going to the chapel

well we didn't exactly go to a chapel per say, but we did go to "the stockroom" in downtown raleigh to see ali and adam get hitched! months of planning and the day finally got here, but not without a few kinks along the way.
i flew in on thursday and we had dinner with some of my dad's siblings and my cousins. friday was full of nail appointments, rehearsal dinner, and last minute details. thank goodness they had a wedding planner, otherwise it would not have happened as smoothly as it did!
saturday was a blur of hair appointments, making sure we all ate, making sure alison got everything she needed, and making sure we got to everything on time. the wedding was beautiful (officiated by the awesome and hilarious matt stevens) and the reception was awesome (the food, the company, the DJ)! we danced the night away and sent ali and adam off in a rickshaw at the end of the night. i did NOT want to go home on monday and i can't wait to move back to NC to be closer to my new, extended family :)

i am so happy for ali and adam! here are some pics (from the indie image) from their big day!

getting her dressed

putting on her veil

my beautiful sister

my new brother

walking down the aisle

the vows

the bridal party

the cake!

dad and ali's surprise dance

i didn't catch the bouquet :(
fun meter is pegged!
the smitleys!

i read them this verse at their toast: 
"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." -Ephesians 5:1

congrats ali and adam!


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