Grown Up Life

I am in denial that I'm almost 25. 25 is practically 30. And I can't handle that yet. I keep thinking it's still 2009 and I just graduated, but that was 3 years ago. Three years ago! 
Now that I'm a big girl I get to do big girl things like pay my bills on time, make my own dentist appointments, and use words like "deductible" and "roth IRA". A few weeks ago some friends of mine and I attended a benefit dinner for the Agape Center. I always imagined benefit dinners to be for fancy, old people, but apparently they're letting anyone in these days. So I threw on my bridesmaid dress from Dana's wedding (you know I'm wearing that sucker as much as I can!) and headed out with 5 of my closest friends to HLIC's 2nd annual Fellowship Dinner. Mere and I worked there last year, so it was cool to see what has been going on since we moved. They were able to raise over $120,000 to expand their ministry, including adding part-time jobs for people in the community! Here we are after dinner:

Laura was cold and buttoned her sweater to the top, haha!
 Also, now that I am older I have friends who are DOCTORS! This girl is going to Africa next year as a PT to work with special needs kids who have never had therapy. What a champ!

 And of course we couldn't leave without a roomie/sorority picture! Go team!

Most days I hate being a grown up, but I'm learning to enjoy the opportunities it provides me! I hope I have many, many more years as a grown up :)


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