Hungry for Righteousness

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." -Matthew 5:6

I'm sorry for how I behave when I'm hangry. I'm like a toddler when it comes to my physical needs being met: when I'm hungry, thirsty, hot, sick, or tired I turn into a diva. I am irritable and cranky and no one wants to be around me. I've had to apologize many times for my snarky attitude in these moments because they definitely don't reflect Jesus. When these needs aren't being met I get tunnel vision until they are...I'll bulldoze anyone who comes between me and my snack/bed/shower. It's like I'm being possessed by something greater than me (and that's why I always keep a protein bar in my purse)!

I was reading the Beatitudes recently and was struck by this verse. My soul longs to be satisfied, just as my body does. We were made to crave. Psalm 84:1-2 says "How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God". I think God created us to crave Him, but Satan wants nothing more than to fill this longing with anything and everything else. For you that might be food, it might be sex, or shopping, or Netflix.

Satan tempts us to fill a legitimate desire in illegitimate ways or with illegitimate things.

I got to I crave righteousness as much as I do Diet Coke, naps, and Chipotle? When I wake up in the morning is my first thought "I can't wait to spend time with Jesus!" or "What's for breakfast?". (Hint: it's usually the latter). I want to crave righteousness! I want to hunger and thirst for Jesus. Lord knows I get cranky when I don't spend time with Jesus, so why don't I prepare and plan my times with Jesus as much as I do my physical needs? I always have a protein bar in my purse, but what about my Bible? I wouldn't think of leaving the house without breakfast, but why do I often skip my devotional because I don't have time?

If I'm honest it's because sometimes in my time with Jesus He convicts me of sin I don't want to stop, or asks me to give up something I don't want to, or asks me to get uncomfortable for the sake of the Gospel. And even though intellectually I know those are all for my good and His glory, it's still hard to knowingly walk into that. But I've always experienced the greatest and deepest joy in my times with Jesus. I think that the enemy likes to bring to mind the uncomfortable interactions I've had with Jesus ("remember that time He asked you to give $300 to that girl you just met? You don't want to have to do that again, do you?") and makes me forget the sweet times so that it's easier to hit that snooze button or press "next episode". One thing I often pray is "Lord, may the lies of the enemy fall on deaf ears." I'll continue to ask God to help give me the strength to choose righteousness even when it's unpleasant.

You know what I've also noticed as my diet has changed?  

You crave what you feed yourself.

 I used to hate fruit. Like maybe I would have 1 serving a week, but only if it was dipped in Nutella and covered in whipped cream. And now I eat so much fruit I have to limit myself! I'm pretty sure I could eat an entire watermelon in one sitting. It's crazy how God has changed even my taste buds! So I know that if I make a practice of pursuing righteousness, I will start to crave it more and more.

But, if anyone wants to get me this for my birthday I wouldn't hate it! :)

What about you? Are you hungry for righteousness?


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