adventures in wicker park

i think i could eat at a different restaurant everyday in chicago and still not see them all. meredith and i have a list so that we try something new instead of chipotle and pei wei...our normal go-tos. since her mom is in town for the weekend, tonight we went to the boundary for dinner after seeing "breaking dawn part 1" of course.
 the food was great, but we didn't realize it was a sports bar until we got in. it has such beautiful christmas decorations outside and cozy booths, so it was a little odd when everyone was staring at the TV above our heads to see the football game. we did however realize that all the cute guys frequent there b/c of their large beer selection and nice TVs. everyone in wicker park and bucktown are 1. rich and 2.really trendy. although i try to look cute, i always seem to feel out of place (i am determined that if i don't meet a boy at church, i will meet him in REI).

meredith hated breaking dawn, but i thought it was pretty good. the special effects for bella's pregnancy were great, but the green screen action was terrible. i feel a pull toward team jacob since i'm cherokee indian, but i do have a framed pic of edward in our kitchen. although i appreciate the story line, it is really hard for me to watch and keep my heart out of it. it is such a great picture of the way Christ pursues us: unconditional, relentless, full of passion. that's why all the young girls flock to see the movies and read the books---they want to be loved like that (who doesn't??). but little do they know that guys like edward don't exist. they end up waiting their whole lives passing by great guys b/c they aren't "good enough". on the other side of that, i don't think you should settle for someone just b/c you want to be married. it is even possible to settle for a Christian. tim kellar's wife says that instead of looking for a perfect statue to marry, you should look for a great piece marble and look for what God is doing in their life and how He is shaping them to be more like Christ. good advice huh?

well, now i'm off to finish watching harry potter 7 part 2. thanks to black friday i have completed my entire harry potter collection :)

i solemnly swear i am up to no good!


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