If you bite it, write it!

If you ask anyone who has lost a significant amount of weight, they'd tell you that they tracked what they ate. In fact, I found this study that found keeping a food diary doubles your weight loss. Crazy what a little bit of accountability will do, huh?

Tracking has been the most eye-opening part of this process for me. I had no idea how much I was actually eating until I started weighing out and measuring my portions according to serving size. It was embarrassing! I'd easily eat 2-3 servings of cereal for breakfast! I invested in a digital scale, which I highly recommend. Now I weigh everything to the ounce and that way I know for sure what I'm eating. People easily underestimate what they eat and overestimate what they burn in exercise.
It's going to seem silly at first, but keep measuring cups out and available and use them when serving yourself.

I initially kept track of my points through the Weight Watchers app, which was awesome! I have since quit my subscription, but I did pay for the ProTracker app for a few bucks. It has a WW calculator and barcode scanner on it, so it's great to take to the store and figure out points before you purchase things. MyFitnessPal also has the same barcode scanner, which is amazing! I was really disappointed in the amount of points in things I thought were healthy, like reduced fat Cheez-its. I should have calculated before I bought them on BOGO because after I learned it was 4 points for 1oz, I didn't want to eat them anymore and was stuck with 2 boxes. Now I use my scanner at the store to help me decide if it's worth it to purchase an item. I also use the calculator when making a recipe from scratch. After a while you remember what things are worth and can eventually know how much 1/2 a cup is vs. 3/4 cup.

Now I keep this handy dandy journal with me and track my points manually. I do well with writing them down for some reason. Anyone else like making lists just to cross things off? However, make sure you calculate before you eat! I can't tell you how many times I assumed I had more points than I really did and didn't calculate until the end of the day only to find I had used 10+ of my extra weekly points without planning on it. Luckily the program has that built in flexibility, but it was still eye-opening.

And if you do indeed blow your points/calories for the day, have grace with yourself! One day at a time. Don't let it set you back towards slavery, but continue on towards freedom. Each meal is a decision to move toward that finish line...one step at a time. And don't lie about points or calories; you'll only be cheating yourself. In fact, I'd overestimate if you're unsure.

When tracking, I like to gauge hunger level and how long I stay satiated with certain foods. For example,  I now know that a Special K protein bar can last me about 3 hours and is worth only 4 points, so it's a great snack or post-workout option (as opposed to 1 oz of tortilla chips which doesn't fill me at all).

There are some days when I need to tap into my 49 weekly points because I go over (or want to splurge on 4rivers!), and there are times when I don't need all my daily points. I'm learning to listen to my body and not feel a need to use my points just because I have them.

I will say this, don't let tracking become an idol for you. It can just as easily swing the other way and you can become obsessed with weighing and measuring everything. Check your heart motives for this; perfectionists can easily stumble here! Let tracking be a guide and a tool for you to help you see your hunger. Eventually that shift will change from "How much can I have?" to "How little do I need?".

If you think tracking is going to be too much, then stick with something like Weight Watcher's Simply Filling method. You basically have a list of power foods to choose from and you can eat whatever you want from the list at each meal until you are satisfied (not stuffed!). I suggest starting by cutting your normal portion in half and going from there. Learn to listen to your body; God designed it to tell you when it's hungry and when it's full.

Remember: If you bite it, write it!

"Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things." -Philippians 3:19


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