
So for those of you who don't know, I resigned from SeaWorld last week. The decision did not come quickly or easily, but after much prayer I decided to end my time there so I could focus on my new career in fitness. I am excited to announce my new position as a Fitness Coach at Orangetheory Fitness!! I'm super excited for this new chapter and how God will use it. It's been a blast so far and I love getting to know the staff and members!

My last few weeks at SeaWorld felt a lot like high school graduation; I was ready to move on, but sad to leave. It still really hasn't hit me yet since it's only been a week, but I turned in my ID and uniforms (won't miss those!) a few days ago. This is the first time I've left a job for a reason other than moving, so to be in the same place has been a little weird. Luckily I still have an annual pass so I can go back whenever I want :)

When I first accepted the job I honestly didn't know what I wanted to do with my life and thought it would be a good place holder while I soul-searched. I signed a 3-month contract and little did I know I'd still be here 4 years later. I think back to that phone call with Kelly when she offered me the job on the spot and I had to call her back because I had no place to live! God quickly orchestrated a plan that got me to Orlando and into a house with 3 awesome roommates. I'm so blessed to have the Pickwick and each of the girls who have moved in over the years.

I am also thankful for the awesome opportunities I had at SeaWorld, not only for professional and personal growth, but for just plain fun! I got to hang out with penguins and dolphins on a daily basis---it's so normal for me to see a flamingo walk by now, that I don't even give it a second glance. I met cool people from all over the world and was able to work with some spectacular people. We laughed, we cried, mostly we just gossiped about crazy things guests said or did. Needless to say, it was never boring! And not to mention all the fun perks and free tickets!

To everyone I've worked with over the years, thank you! Your passion for the animals, conservation, and education are inspiring to me even still. You da real MVPs! Keep speaking for the voiceless and inspiring the next generation to be passionate about our world. Your tenacity during turbulent times is rare; hold on to that quality! It is a valuable quality not only for this field, but for life in general. Fight the good fight even when it seems like an uphill battle! I'm still on your team and rooting for you, especially those middle of the night rescue calls!

And without further ado, here are some of my favorite pictures from along the way:
training week!

first shamu show

big boy!

casual penguin in the office

flamingo walk

remember those green shirts?!

what a chunk

casual sea lion on a golf cart

power pose

alison's first trip to seaworld!

pretty girl

i'm kinda famous

my girls!

spirit animal
last day! i won't miss sweeping ray!

fab 5
sleepovers were fun

won't miss those!

got pooped on by a rockhopper

turtle pile up

ed 1 fun!

love these girls!

random camel in the road

my squad for about 3 years

first christmas away from home

got to show mom and dad around!

Discovery Cove

So long and thanks for all the fish!


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