my first snow

ever since i moved to chicago, everyone has been asking me if i'm ready for the winter here. at first i was really freaked out because i thought that it must be terribly bad-- like you can't have any exposed skin or it will die within 30 seconds. but people don't realize that i lived in the rockies for 4 months last winter. we had snow until the day i left in may. snow was usually to my knees and i was accustomed to wearing gators and snow boots everyday. so chicagoians...i think i got this. however, if anyone wants to buy me a heated car seat cover, i will gladly take donations. and here is a picture of my first chicago snow from my apartment window into our courtyard. it hasn't melted yet and the high today was 20. snow angels anyone?!

and i came home sunday to this lovely present from my roommate sarah:

and those lovely presents? empty boxes that i wrapped up just for fun :)

speaking of trees and is a verse that recently has been stuck in my brain: Isaiah 11:1 “A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.”  Jesse was the father of David, Israel’s greatest king. And it was from David’s lineage that Jesus came. There is this cool thing called a "Jesse Tree" that has advent devotions and ornaments for each day. click here for an example:


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