april showers bring may....?

it's almost the middle of may and it's 45 degrees out. unacceptable.
we went to michigan (1.5 hours away) for a staff retreat and it was hot and humid- i laid out and played in the lake and got my first sunburn of the season! it was a great time of rest and relaxation (but it made me miss Young Life a lot). then we drove back to this yucky weather. i really want to be home in NC and am praying that God will open up some doors so I can! if only there was a really awesome zoo in raleigh...
right now we have a 2 week break until summer in the city (SITC) students get here. i feel a little useless right now and will probably be doing paperwork and such until then. we will be staying at the illinois institute of technology optometry dorms. apparently they have really nice rooms and lounge rooms. i can't wait to meet the students! i'm equally excited about getting more hands on ministry experience. it will be a great way to end my internship.
my future roommate, meredith, and i went neighborhood shopping yesterday. we found some sweet neighborhoods on the west side we would like to live in. i am just hoping that i will have a job to pay my rent! please be in prayer with me that the Lord would provide a zoo job to start in august. and if not, that i could at least find a nanny or babysitting position to fill in the time until i do.
the past 2 weeks at church we have been talking about vocation vs. occupation. my vocation is and will always be to build the kingdom of God. my occupation will probably always be changing. there is no secular job and sacred job- all jobs for christians are sacred. it was good to hear that since i'm leaving full time ministry that i am not going from the sacred to the secular. i am just changing the platform on which i will help build the kingdom of God. i am excited to be in the science world because there are very few Christians there. Lord, may i be a light in the darkness!! i am so humbled that God would use sinners like you and me to make Him famous. i think the rocks and trees would do a much better job (luke 19).
i am learning a lot about the Lord right now- about my singlessness as God's provision and a gift, about my lack of trust for God and the consequences i am facing. i am reading "true faced: trusting God and others with who you really are".... it is amazing to say the least. i am trying to process through all i am reading though and will begin meeting with our church's counselor starting this week.

things to be praying for:
-an affordable apartment that meets our needs
-for the SITC students to all report and have all their support in hand
-a job!
-my counseling sessions would be good and help me deal with some sin issues

love you guys!



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