health insurance

it's something i'm beyond thankful for. i was born with malfunctioning kidneys, so from the get-go i was in and out of the hospital. and being the tomboy i was, i had a lot of injuries- usually from crashing into things or riding my bike down cement stairs (ouch!). then throw in swimmer's ear every summer. then throw in physical therapy for the extra cartilage i have in my knees and also iliotibial band syndrome. then the ADHD diagnosis in high school. then asthma. then generalized anxiety disorder in college. then last week i had 2 pre-cancerous moles removed and in 2 weeks i go in for a 24-hour narcolepsy test. you might be thinking...narcolepsy? isn't that like insomnia? actually, it's the complete opposite. it means i'm tired all the time and i sleep all the time. but no, i'm not catatonic- meaning i don't fall asleep randomly through out the day like say, in the middle of a conversation. i personally think that's the coolest trait of narcolepsy though (check out this narcoleptic dog!). regardless, it is debilitating and affecting my every day life. my sister was diagnosed a few years ago so i figured i might get tested, too. the sleep doctor said it might also be idiopathic hypersomnia, which has a way cooler name, but they are both treated with the same medicine. although sometimes it feels that i am falling apart at the seams and i'm only 23, i have always seen God to be the Great Physician. i am so amazed at the wisdom and technology He's given us! i am hoping the test gives clear results and that the medicine helps keep me awake during the day. i also found this ironically (or maybe not so ironic) named group called "Narcoleptics and Partners" (NAP). hahaha i really hope they let me join the club... and i hope they have sweet t-shirts.  i am also thinking about buying this art for my apartment:

welp, time for my 12-hour bedtime! 


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