and we're off like a heard of turtles

i am taking a break from packing up my car for the big move. i have way too much stuff and a small camry to fit it all into. i had to part with my holiday decorations (for those of you who don't know- i LOVE to decorate!). my mom and dad will probably be making a road trip up in the next few months to bring me more stuff and visit (and also bring all the crafts i left!). when i moved to college, it was only 30 minutes away so we could take several car trips and it wasn't a big deal. this will be my biggest move for the fact that i'm going to be self-sufficient for the first time ever. when i woke up this morning, my first thought was "oh my gosh, what did i get myself into?" and wanted to cry. but i'm glad that my sister is going with me to help wean me into things. my dad left for business last week so i already said bye to him and dylan, my brother, went off to college 3 weeks ago in utah. also, most of my friends have already moved away, so it is a lot easier to leave.
thank you to all that came over last night-- especially ashley jones who drove all the way from charlotte! best friend of the year award! (just kidding- i still love those who didn't come)
so basically, i'm loading up my car and driving to a strange city to live with people i've never met. and i'm surprisingly not freaked out by that (which is truly a testament to God's goodness in my life). so here goes nothing...


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