
i'm sorry i haven't written lately, we still don't have internet at our house. here is an update on life this past week:

on Thursday I found out my friend Grace White was in a wake boarding accident and hit her head. she was taken to the ER and had emergency brain surgery to relieve the pressure. she was declared brain dead on thursday and her parents decided to take her off life support on saturday and they donated all her organs. the bleeding and swelling was too much for her body to handle and the doctors couldn't relieve it fast enough. i have been in contact with her best friend and my old roommate, Alyson. she has been with Grace since the accident and was keeping me updated. i am so deeply sad for grace because she didn't believe in Jesus, although she heard the Gospel and was prayed for by us for the past few years. i have to trust in God's sovereignty in this situation because i just can't see how He is being the most glorified through this situation. I am reminded of the organ recipients who will have a new chance at life now. my Dad's company (private airlines) actually flew her liver to someone in Richmond on Saturday. They have a contract with WakeMed and fly a lot of organs around the country. i am encouraged that many lives will be touched because of her organs and i hope to hear the stories of the recipients. i will always remember grace for her smile, laugh, and bubbly personality.

for those who want to attend her service:

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010
1 PM (previously changed from 2pm)

Unitarian Universalist Church
3313 Wade AvenueRaleigh, NC 27607

July 15th, 1988 - September 25th, 2010

Saints, the Gospel is URGENT--share it now, there is no time to waste!


  1. How very fortunate for Grace that you are not the judge of her salvation. My God is much more welcoming.


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