home, sweet Chicago

well, i finally made it! alison and i had a tough time getting here because we had to drive slower than expected due to the massive amount of stuff in my car. so it took us about 2 extra hours and i about had a panic attack for the entire trip. i had to remind myself that God has ordained me to get to Chicago and He will get me there. we arrived midday sunday after spending the night in a hotel in ohio. sandy and linda welcomed us and we unpacked my car as fast as we could (you are never supposed to keep anything in your car for safety reasons). my first impressions of roseland were that it is pretty rough, but my neighborhood in beverly is very nice and quiet. i randomly met my roommate, sarah, at chipotle where we were having lunch and she is awesome! i can't wait to get to know her more!
we spent sunday driving around our area of town and getting the official tour of the agape center (our workplace) and the surrounding area. we went to the pullman area (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pullman,_Chicago) and even got a historic home tour from a guy named bobby who has a DeLorean and offered to let me drive it!!
today, alison and i spend the day in the city doing all the touristy things- the aquarium, zoo, navy pier, millennium park, michigan ave, etc. the city is great! it's so clean and people are relatively nice. we took the EL train in and got around by bus the rest of the time. i wish we didn't live so far south of the downtown area because i would love to be there everyday. it reminded me a lot of argentina, but 10X cleaner and they speak english. i'm excited to go to the rest of the museums and find the local spots this year. i'm hoping to find more girls my age who are willing to do the same!
tomorrow is more city exploring and then alison will go back home. my whole family might be back for thanksgiving though!

thank you to everyone who helped get me here- i can't believe this is where i will be living for the entire year. i am so humbled by your generosity and missional hearts! i thank God every time i think of you.

please pray for:
-my transition into the city and workplace.
-moving into our apartment and getting the parking permits and furniture worked out.
-for my heart to be broken for these people and that i wouldn't think of myself as better than them because i am "more privileged"
-for the $2000 i still need
-for community and friends my own age

if you want to send me mail/packages- ship them to me at the agape center at:
agape community center
attn: heather myers
342 west 111th st.
chicago, IL 60628

view from shedd aquarium

the "bean" at millennium park


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