answer to prayer

i just have to post this real quick- another great story of God's provision (the story of my life the past 9 months)....
i was told to ask one of our volunteers (Michaelle) about furniture b/c she is a key person in her church and would be able to spread the word quickly. i went to talk to her and mentioned that my roommate and i only have beds and are in need of furniture. she closed her eyes and took a second to pause and then said to me that she has furniture she was praying about where to give!! they are readjusting their house to have a family come live with them and have extra furniture (sofa, loveseat, tv stand, dining room table, etc) that the Lord told her to "step out in faith" with by donating it to someone in need. HOW CRAZY IS THAT?!
i felt like leaving my furniture at home was a step of faith for me and here she is with furniture to give away- obviously God had a plan for us to meet and glorify Him. God is so good!
however, they were going to use the money from the furniture to buy building supplies for their home- please pray that he McClowry's would be provided all the building supplies they need in order to have this needy family come live with them. what a beautiful picture of the church. i am so blessed to be a part of it.


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