Non-scale Victories

I didn't lose weight the entire month of July. THE ENTIRE MONTH. It was the most frustrating period of my journey. I was hitting my weight watchers points, working out consistently, doing everything I should be doing and the weight still wasn't coming off. I wanted to quit. I cried a lot. I read articles about weight loss plateaus, I posted on forums, everyone said to keep doing the work and it will eventually come off again. But it's easy to say that once you're on the other side of the plateau! I remember texting my friends in defeat, but they encouraged me to keep going. I learned that my success/identity/worth is not dependent on a number on a scale or even my ability to lose said weight. Ultimately my worth and identity is in Christ and I had to shift the focus off the weight and numbers on a scale. So instead I focused on the ways I was finding freedom and victory off the scale...or as I call them Non-scale Victories (NSVs)! I made a list and started keeping track. Some examples include:

-Had to make a new hole in my belt because it's too big now
-I can cross my legs easier
-I can lift heavier weights at the gym
-My watch band is looser
-I ran a 5k in under 30 minutes
-I choose fruit over a cupcake for dessert
-I did sprints at 12MPH on the treadmill
-I didn't eat any sugar cookies when someone brought them into the office
-I had a bad day and didn't eat my feelings, but journaled about them instead
-I set the gym class record for farthest rowed in 2 minutes
-I recognized that fear is my biggest binge trigger

I have 2 pages so far of NSVs that I often look back at to remind myself how far I've come and how much Jesus has not only changed my waistline, but my heart. Food is becoming more of a fuel source for me rather than a drug. It's amazing how much freer life is when that happens! I wish I had figured this out sooner, but I'm so glad I'm working on it now!!

If you haven't already, make a list of victories and keep track of them no matter how small or trivial they may be to you. Celebrate the small triumphs because those lead to huge change!

One day at a time
One meal at a time
One workout at a time
One pound at a time

"For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age" - Titus 2:11-12


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